26 May 2013

Insert clever title


16hr fasts are going well. Frantic pace in my eyes, slamming food and protein shakes at a pace of 60-80g protein q 2hrs.

Wt was down to 263 yesterday, so the bloat, or whatever the fuck has gone away.

Cappuccino rush Dynamatize is pretty delicious protein powder. The carb count is a touch high, so it's usefulness is limited, but solid taste. My go to low carb powder is matrix 5 orange cream.... Dirt cheap, good macro profile, and tastes awesome (little foamy)...


Repeated block 2 week1 considering last weeks missed workout.

squats up to 315 for some triples
Cg bench up to 265 for triples

Deadlifts up to425 for triples.
Cg bench up to 295 for some singles

More cgbp up to 265
Squats to 365 with belt for doubles.

Rack pulls to 465 for doubles

Things I've realized:
My glute activation on squats and deadlifts is lacking severely. Most notably on rack pulls, I reflected and noticed it felt like I was using all back...

My right elbow is flaring early on bench. I need to concentrate on keeping them tucked during the press.

Sloppy Squat Setups Sink Ships.

I need to not be afraid of grinding out squat/deadlift reps. I need to learn to struggle/recruit more muscle...


Nothing new: ICU... People die...

20 May 2013

Re-evaluation: Full steam ahead


Ran into a major road-block: Working 80hr week is not conducive to super-clean perfectly timed eating habits, unfortunately. Admittedly, I did slip in a few marginal ways (2 pieces of pizza, occasional diet soda). With that said, I can guarantee that my macro count was extremely low, with my protein being right around 200g most days. It seriously can be difficult to break away from critically ill patients to even down a quick protein shake. Combine that with the fact that cooking did not occur, and I relied on canned chicken/tuna and veggies with all of their sodium-laden goodness...
That said?  My 6 week check had me weighing in at 272. +10lbs in one week. Un-freaking believable to me. I can't attribute ALL of this to sodium; on the other hand, I can attribute it to excessive caloric intake either. Perhaps my experimentation with rice instead of oats along with the absolute inability for me to consistently maintain my macro-timing fucked shit up.

That said: We have made a huge change to my layout to better fit my inability properly maintain macro intake  timing.

New plan: 16hr fasts, 1.1g protein/lb/day, Carb intake post workout. Fishoil, Evening primrose oil, and potentially some DAA or other natty test booster.   Still considering some Clomid for clinical test boostage.


Stomach flu slashed 2 days out of my routine last week. Restarting at week one tonight:  Highlights from lifting though:

Bench: 305 easy CGBP after the previous day of benching. Got a relatively easy 335 CGBP a couple days after that. With a Lift-off (and a bit of work on my leg-drive), I could pretty easily see 365+.

Deadlift: 485 pin deadlift from ~ mid shin. I need quite a bit of technique and mobility work. I apparently am collapsing my upper-back, losing drive... "Pull back, not up."

Squats: Still feel weak, and I feel like I hit a road-block with mobility right around parallel. Weights move fine, and I find myself recruiting more quad with my squats since the last block hammered the b'jesus out of my anterior squat pattern.


It's ICU, what can I say?  Everyone dies... People should accept that.

Spending untold hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars to futilely keep a 90+year old alive is aggravating. I understand it's hard for the family, but what is the point to fight so hard when there is absolutely no way this patient will survive the next 2 days.


14 May 2013

"Let nature take it's course."


The irony of uttering the statement, "Let nature take its course." was not lost on me as I stared down at a patient whom hours prior, had a massive heart attack. The patient was brain-dead, no cranial nerve reflexes, nothing. We were keeping a pulse on a corpse, awaiting a family member before we allowed "nature to take its course."

The absurdity of modern medicine...

Block2 week 1 day 1

Close grip bench Up to 245 5x3
Squats up to 325 5x3 (belted on the 325 sets)
More CG bench  205 5x4
Anderson squats 5x5@225
Band flys 5x10
Planned GM's were omitted considering I had to alter schedule and will be deadlifting tomorrow...

Steady as she goes. Oats/potatoes/rice etc all makes me feel bloated.

Sam's club EAS bulk protein powder, while $35 for 5lbs is cheap. Its fucktardedly nasty. I have some Mocha Dymatize and my standard Syntrax 5.0 Orange cream arriving on Monday...I suffer until then...

Broke down and had 2 pieces of pizza at Old chicago with the wife for mother's day.

11 May 2013

Deload complete- new horizons


Deload day 3

Squats 225 5x12
Bench 185 5x12
Squats 275 8x3  last 2 sets were singles...
KB swings... 200 reps...

Back to a real human's schedule... no more night-shift bullshit for a while.

medicine can bite my ass right now.

That is all.


09 May 2013

Blunted, grumpy, and DOMS


I still hate nights. Constant calls about lab values, how patients want pain meds, how people keep bleeding out of their various orifices.

2-4hrs of sleep/day is killing me. 2 nights left... It's so much easier when you're blocked for a full month of nights, no flip-flopping.

Deload day 2

Deadlifts 5x5 @ 315
Ohp 5x5@ 135
Deficit deads 5x10@ 275( easier than the non-deficits... By a significant amount... The French is going on?)
Kb swings like a champ

This lack of sleep, shitty hormonal imbalances from sleep issues and inconsistent diet caused me to have MAJOR consequences from Tuesdays workout. DOMS like a mo-fo. Still having trouble sitting... Hah

Peri workout carbs only this week, as I have no consistent sleep/wake times. Carbs are rice based this week to see what it does to the bloat I feel on carb days with oats.

Wt this am was 262 still, but I can't say that means much as I was up all night. And not a true comparison.

06 May 2013

Chugging right along.

Learned to use a videonystagmogram, discussed the upcoming research, and... Future career options. ICU nights start tonight. We'll see how pissy I get... I don't understand how people(like my wife) work nights by choice...

No sleep for the next 5 days... Diet will be a challenge:  Unsure how to space meals considering I'll get only a few hours sleep/day...

Lifting: Finished block one
week4 lower2 hypertrophy/tempo

Deficit deads 8x3 @365 5 sec eccentric
Band hamstrings

Front squats5x6 185 maintaining the rack position is the challenge.
Rom. Deadlifts 5x6 225 5 sec eccentric.

Step ups
One leg bridge

Prowler pushes/pulls

Upper day 2

OHP (barbell) 1 and a quarter reps  8x8 @ 105    Major shoulder burn...
Omnigrip pullups 8 sets of doom. No bands, used straps towards the end because of my grip being fried. Always an accomplishment when a 250+lber can knock out sets of 10+ deadhang pullups.

OHP lockouts 5x6-8 did around 135.  Still burning from the previous.
Band pulldowns

Cobra presses and band pull aparts...

Deload this week:  Starting to thread squats and bench back into the fold. Sets of 5ish mostly.


Chugging along, had a diet mt dew yesterday... I miss diet soda...

Prepping food for the next week today and tomorrow...
5 lbs turkey burger, 13 lbs chicken breast/thighs... Thighs grilled, breasts grilled tomorrow after work... mmm meat.

Gotta refill the propane tank...

I might or might not run a prohormone cycle (Epistane)

02 May 2013

1 month update


Week 4 upper 1  Hypertrophy/tempo

OHP 145 8x5
Pullups 8x5 6 sec eccentric No bands used. Boom.

Wide Bench 5x5 4 sec eccent @ 225
Snatch Rows 5x5 5 sec contract @145

Band resist pushups
Supinated pull aparts

Anxiously awaiting my next block...

Weight: 262 (Post shower)
Here is a one month progress shot. The back is much more telling... Much wider up top, and smaller muffin top. Impressive to me considering I've only lost ~2lbs this last month. 

Coach has just added 3x30min steady state cardio to my life... This will not be fun to try to fit in, especially this upcoming month.