23 December 2013

Dancing with a quarter ton on my back.

Plunging needles into peoples spine, getting no sleep, drinking coffee that tastes like an ashtray, and eating Grade "F" meat... The glorious life of a resident.

Week 2 lifting recap:

 Cant find my fucking groove right now... this leads me to dancing and changing stance width through my sets...

A1 235 3x10, 8
A2 235 x 12
B1 185, 135, 135, 135  Fucking mobility.
C1 Occlusion quads 135 2x20
Bugs and birds-
No conditioning.

First time I've actually tried to eat during a session (Zeke bread with some fruit)... Did not go well with my stomach being torqued from this nasty ass protein shake I have had to resort to... Nausea took over and made almost every fucking set of squats  near-puke status.

Thankfully I have 20lbs of Peanutbutter Beef isolate inbound.


A1: 185, 185, 205, 205, 205 x 10 reps
A2: 135, 135, 95 x 10

B1: 135, 135, 95 x 12
B2: 4x25

C1: 20, 20, 15.
C2: 20, 20, 20.


315 x 5x10, 8

B1 10 x "3" @ 135

C1: 135 3x12
C2 45 3x20

D1 3x20+ at 135 (testicle crushers)
D2 3x25

These workouts were all brutal and more taxing than I realized... with that said; I'm on nights and sleep deprived...

Deload week before Christmas.

50-55% lifts. Working hard on rehab/prehab/mobility.
Just finished that up as well...  Feeling pretty good overall.  Still HATE night shifts and I'm getting a nasty ass cold (thanks Adalyn!)...

--- Seriously, This kid gets me sick all the damn time... She's lucky she's so damn cute.


Working on my birthday, nobody in my city has power because of a monster ice storm.  The rats are all scurrying to the hospital for warmth and shelter under the guise of illness.  Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!...

23 November 2013

The why of Iron.

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” – Socrates
I had a few cancelled appointments this morning, which gave me time to think and wonder... I started to think about why I lift, why I train, and why it is such a large and integral part of my daily life.

Not "to be the biggest!"   as there is no way to afford the $20k+/year professional bodybuilders pay for GH/test... Nor would I want to endure the side effects, associated health risks, etc.

or "To be the strongest"  That will likely never happen. I've had enough serious injuries from MMA/boxing/lifting already that there is very little likelihood that I will ever crack an elite raw (or equipped) total at 242 (or 275).  Besides, there are already people that are worlds stronger than I am or ever will be.

or "To win my division."  I'm not overly interested in powerlifting meets, they are fun in their own way, but they're not why I lift.

For me:

1) Pride:
There's a pride in lifting heavy weights. A sense of self satisfaction. Little else is as fun as grinding out 10, 15, 20 reps of a weight that you thought you could only get for 10... or in my case... getting 8 reps when I though I could only get 3 ( I hate high reps with a passion). I train through/around injuries, through sleep deprivation, etc. I hurt, but I lift anyway. I want to sit down after being on my feet all day, but I train anyway.

There's a pride that comes from hauling my 250+lb frame up and over a bar doing 20 strict pullups. I know I'll likely never compete at crossfit, but it's fun to drop into CF boxes and not look like a total jackwad doing their WODS (it's also funny as shit to see me swinging on the pullup bars doing "butterfly kipping bullshit seizures pullups" with a modicum of skill. Hello 3:48 Fran...)

One of the largest senses of pride that I get is after a 24 or 30hr shift in the hospital; having that post call euphoria and crushing weights and releasing all the frustration and aggression... then being so damn tired that you don't know if you can muster up the energy/strength/drive to walk inside, shower, and go to sleep.

2) Health:
“Through the years, I have combined meditation, action, and the Iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the Iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My body shuts down my mind.” – Henry Rollins

I have a stressful job. I work long hours, that’s true, but I also have to have time to be a husband(though a pretty poor one during some months of work), a father (that little doll is a handful), a cook, and take care of my house (once again, poorly!).  It is the easiest thing in the world to say “I’ll lift tomorrow.” Or “It’s just one missed workout.”   What I’ve found is the 5-10 hours per week that I spend in my garage lifting is one of the most important things keeping me mentally healthy through all of this stress and work.
Iron is my balance, my anchor. It keeps me grounded.  I'd be even worse at the other aspects of life if I neglected my anchor.


Recent 525 'bounce' double deadlift (thanks Steve Goggins for the recent enlightenment regarding bouncing doubles vs touch&go.)

Recent 345 double on the bench.

Current wt ~251-253
Pretty solid diet overall, I'm not losing weight as fast as I would like, but I also am not putting in the time conditioning that I should - Life has been a big impediment on this.
I've found and now love frozen 'steamer' bags of veggies. 4 minutes in the microwave and boom -12 oz of broccoli/brussel sprouts; hard to beat.

25 October 2013

Journey to Ithica


It's difficult to stay motivated. I'm disenchanted with my job. That is not to say I don't like my work, as I love learning and neurology, just the work I'm doing in the hospital has drained my soul over the last three and a half years. Stupid, blind bureaucracy, dotting my "I"s, crossing my "T"s, having to kiss ass and bow to certain hierarchy loving bosses; these things are wearing at me heavily. I have received a couple of poor "evaluations" secondary to my absolute hatred of the hierarchical system that some of my (foreign) bosses were raised in, and have grown accustomed to.


I often question reasoning behind (unnecessary) imaging and (futile) plans of care for patients in a rather blunt manner, which is likely perceived as confrontational as my disdain is thinly veiled. Defensive medicine bothers me, especially when it is not in the patient's best interest.

In a meeting with my mentor we decided that, for my own sake, I should just keep my head down, work hard, and get through it (please reference image above). I also need to work on not showing my disgust and hatred so openly on my face, as it has been noticed...

Time to fucking lick boot... 2.5 years to go).

Combine all of that fun, with some financial strains (~$400k student debt for me, close to another $100k for my wife, etc), and it's easy to see why my soul is fading fast. My wife has noticed this more than me though, and is, with increasing frequency, mentioning how I am too negative, too jaded, for someone who has been in practice for such a short time.

I am excited (though cautiously optimistic) about my future possibilities in spite of diminishing reimbursement potentials with this "affordable" care act now in full bloom. I'm working on starting a concussion clinic, as well as forming a new 'sports neurology' fellowship for myself at Michigan State. Sports neurology is a specialty just in its infancy, but with all the press regarding concussions, there stands to be a large demand for neurologists with expertise in concussion (not to mention myself with considerable collegate, amateur, and professional sports experience).

I find it hard to keep myself grounded in the process of learning. "The journey" is something I need to learn to enjoy, not just worrying myself with the end-goal of finishing my training and being a 'real' neurologist. 

An excerpt from "Ithica" I believe is appropriate here.

"Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all that you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have taken the road.
But she has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.
With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,
you must surely have understood by then what Ithacas mean."

I guess this can be extrapolated, as the message is salient for many things in my life. (Medicine and residency, as well as weightlifting/training.)


Still rehabbing my shoulder, with some improvement. I was able to rack/front squat 225 for a single this week. I'm continuing to do DeFranco's shoulder rehab, which includes hundreds of band pull-aparts, YTWL's, face pulls, etc. Additionally, I've been working on my shoulder external rotation. I still cannot do overhead work... Soon.

I keep having a slight desire to do some crossfit workouts. Since starting crossfit a decade ago, I have occasonally done a WOD or 2. I, at one time, had a 3minute Grace and Fran (at 110kg bodyweight), and could rock a 100kg Grace in under 8 minutes. Last week I did the "Bring Sally Up" challenge at 135lbs. (~30reps of a squat with some 4 and 10 second pauses in the hole).  It lit my quads up, and my legs were shaking for the rest of the workout.

My ego got the best of me, and I decided to try it again with 225. I threw my belt on, and tried... and failed...  I got halfway through the torture (15 reps). I found myself progressively melting under the bar in the hole. It got ugly, and was probably dangerous. For the life of me, I dont think it hurt my hip though.

My current lifting plan is based off of Jay Ashman's program. "The A.S.S. Book"- Basically it has alterations of lightweight and heavy weight rotations. It makes a solid month of training. It allows for personal selection of exercises as needed, which is good for us with program ADD. I can't stick to a program for the life of me. I'm giving this a solid go, and constantly going for rep records or max weights depending.

I had not done more than singles in the deadlift over 500lbs for the last few years. Since my failed 600 deadlift last month, I've been doing rack pulls with good effect. Last week I actually trippled 500... twice from the floor. Bench on the other hand is a bitch to me like always... Since dropping from the 270's to the 250's my bench has slid. 295 for a triple was hard last week.  I think I need some technique work; finding the proper amount of 'elbow tuck', when and how much to flair (if any?). Things like this I need work on.

Current setup is 4 days of lifting (bench, squat, deadlift, overhead), 2-3 days of conditioning per week.  Though, I can't really hit heavy squats  or overhead (I'm substituting incline press for overhead, and likely high-rep and pause squats and heavy deadlift partials for squats)


Current Wt: 256
Just coming off of night shift, I'll be blunt: My diet has been shit. I've been eating whatever my wife makes or gets (Chinese, pizza, whatever.) I do curb my carb intake most of the time, but I'd say 3-5meals/wk have been absolute shit.Through all the shit, I still tried to push 250-300g protein...

I'm considering adding in some fasts again, as its a bit hectic to get all my meals in during 'normal' work weeks... We'll see... I want to get to the 240's solidly by December.

I'll accomplish this by continuing to do my conditioning work, Limiting my carb intake to Periworkout only. (~100g), On off days I'll either be threading in Protein (shake) Sparing Modified Fasts, or just staying very low carb (<30g).

I just need to be diligent with my food-tracking...

With that said?-   I dont know what to feed my daughter most of the time. I eat meat, some veggies occasionally. She... doesn't love my food. Shopping for her at the grocery store is difficult, as I put my prejudiced against most foods that kids eat. "No, dont buy her mac n cheese, that's all carbs."... Fuck. She's a kid. Not a performance driven machine. Maybe I just need to find some healthy kid-meals that are easy to make?...

17 September 2013

Busted insomniac


I find myself working nights for the last week +.  I loathe nights... rather, I loathe what it does to my sleep schedule. I have extreme difficulty sleeping when it's light out, so juggling the constant micro-sleeps that I end up doing all night between work and the scattered naps during the day is constant and fatiguing. The work I do at night is more "damage control" than anything else. Sure, I do a few consults, get a bit of work done for the day team, but it's more about "limping through" until the day team comes back on. Little joy or fulfillment with this work. Highlight?  Rocking slacker radio loud as shit in my call room.

Test results:  Total 1365 @ Bodyweight of 248.

Squat: 455- here's where I (re)injured my quad... and my failed 600lb deadlift...

Bench: 355

Deadlifts:  555 (new 1RM)

Total 1365 with a raw deadlift PR 30+lbs lighter than I have been since I quit fighting professionally.

My body is a bit wore down from the last couple months of heavy lifting without a true deload. As such, I have acumulated a couple injuries. My left shoulder is tender to any external rotation; making getting under a bar, doing overhead presses, etc. damn near impossible. My quad tendon(rec fem origin) is also really bothering me. This just so happens to be the same one that I tore a few years ago. Makes squatting anything over 135 pretty painful in the right anterior hip. I'll be rehabbing this as well as my shoulder for the next couple weeks while I kick up my conditioning work to help press the weight loss.

Once rehab is progressed:
I find myself switching to a "Boring but big"  351 variant template running front squats as deadlift accessory, and deads as squat accessory. OHP as accessory for bench (Either Kettlebell or barbell), and Close grip bench as accessory for OHP...
Additional plans include a 100pullup per upperbody session target, as well as a constant 20-30min of conditioning (heavy bag, jump rope, sled push/drags, barbell complexes, etc).

Coach and I agree that for my current goals, I will likely be sacrificing at least some strength to drop to a bodyweight of the 230's, and then build from there.

Current weight 254
Coach changed the diet plan. Intermittent fasting is out, and reverted to my ace in the hole if I stall. 300g protein/100g fat/ 75g carbs periworkout only.
Back to locking this down with elimination of dairy, sugars, and other less than ideal macro sources.

02 September 2013

Gone, but not forgotten.

After a brief hiatus from updates, I'm back.


I'm getting further and further disenchanted with the state of modern medicine. It is often overly depressing to encounter terminal cases in which the family won't accept the inevitable outcome. Combine these depressing factors, with working too many hours, being understaffed, etc. It's difficult to keep morale high when you're working all day and seemingly getting nothing done.


Weight: ~255
I've been a bit relaxed on my dieting considering work has taken an exorbitant amount of time and food prep has been a bitch.  I have done my best to reach my protein intake goal of 250-300g/day. Pair that with restricting my carb intake, and I have not gained any weight, and actually have lost a bit... all while maintaining/gaining strength during the prep and peak phase for my meet.

It's easy to lose sight of progress, as it is very slow, but as my coach pointed out: In the last year I've dropped 10% of my bodyweight while getting stronger and building muscle...

I've switched over to Grass fed beef (bought a side of beef: Grass fed for $3.00/lb processed/vacume packed),  Omega 3 eggs, eliminated the vast majority of bullshit from my diet. Though I do need to get another 20 loaves of sprouted grain bread from Trader Joes... At least for the next few months I should be able to keep the diet in check with decent food-prep.


I had planned on doing a meet on Sept 7th, but work has put an end to that. I'd say my last 2 months have been a waste, but after talking with the coach, I'm going to do a "mock" meet.  this upcoming week when I have a day off... At least we can reset my maxes and see what progress has been made. 

Openers are extra conservatively planned at: 405 Squat, 315 bench, 465 deadlift.  Goals are ~550/365/550

Even my conservative numbers, while they aren't my lifetime maxes (too many knee surgeries), are at or higher than they were a year ago... at 30 lbs heavier.


Updated progress photo: April-August

02 July 2013

New phase


New block started last week. 

Squats up to  385x5,   Bench up to 275 5 sets of 5, and Sumo deadlift 415 5 sets of 5 (first time sumo in ~7 months.    Pretty decent week.

Squats tomorrow are a max triple for a few sets... and then some reverse band singles of doom. benching and deadlifting are both set for triples too... 

I'm looking at a full powerlifting meet Sept 20th...

-Morning weight:  263

Had a bit of cheating when I went to Indianapolis this weekend. Had some good pizza, the best tacos I've ever tasted (La Chinta in Broad ripple had amazing carnitas and skirt steak tacos!)

Locked the diet back down yesterday though... Grilled some steaks for dinner, and am going to skewer and grill up 10 lbs of chicken and 10 lbs of beef on the 4th...


Officially not a general medicine resident anymore. Neurology rotations only from here on out.

I'm in clinic this month, so I work a solid 8-5ish. Unfortunately I am on call all night  this week, as well as the weekend... not looking forward to it, but I have the 4th off...

Board exam on the 12th, Studying... 'hard' for it. That's taking quite a bit of time away from neurology studying.  It also has brought to my attention to the fact that my neurological knowledge is extremely lacking. I guess that's what this next 3 years is for, right?

I had a meeting with my mentor recently, discussing my future goals, and career pathways. It's still unclear what I'm going to do, but likely it will take some customization to fit my needs/desires.

20 June 2013



In the ER this month getting abused. Half of my shifts make me want to murder people. The drug-seeking, the lying, the environment, etc. It's draining and eats my soul. The more I work down here... the more jaded and disinterested in patients I am becoming...  4 shifts left. The ER crud got to me, and I'm pretty sure I got a wonderful atypical pneumonia- Hello Z-pak. On top of that, my tweaked neck has been pretty back this last two weeks, made so much worse from the deep bone shaking coughing I've been doing. Currently, I'm unable to turn my head to the left.


It has been in the pits. As above, I've been dealing with being sick for the last week and a half; which has worsened considerably over the last few days. My inability to breathe has caused me to minimize my accessory work...


Squats on the 17th went well. My top set(s) of singles were slated at 395. The last one I pushed to 6 reps. After some reviewing, I do think I was a little high on most of the reps.  Strength is there, I just need to get deeper and be less of a bitch about heavy weight. The mental game is the hardest thing when I'm lifting.

This is the last week of this current block. I'm excited to see what's next up for me from my coach/guide/mentor/guru. I'm 90% sure I'm going to try to do a Meet by the end of the  year if I can get Brandon to keep improving me. It might be the push I need to perform better in the gym. 


No cheating at all this week, but this illness has made me rather nauseated, and getting enough protein in is EXTREMELY difficult. 

Hopefully I'm not dropping too much hard-earned muscle.


09 June 2013

No avoiding it...

No avoiding it... Fatty needs cardio.
Calories/macros tracked this last week. 2200-2500 kcal. 250-300g protein.
Weight stable from April 2013 until June9th 2013 at 263.

Progress is slow, but steady. Fat is coming off, strength is coming up, muscle is building.
I'll be continuing as planned as far as weights and diet goes, but I'll be doing what I've been trying to avoid since starting with Brandon: Cardio. It's hard enough to get my 4 workouts in between work and the baby... trying to tack on an additional 30minutes daily is going to be a strain. My upcoming block, Coach is going to try to trim back some accessory work from one day to make some cardio time.

I'm thinking I'd like to find a decent recomb bike on the cheap... or just be less of a lazy bastard and strap the baby into the jogging stroller...

06 June 2013



Logging everything for the boss-man. Keeps me honest, but it is enlightening, showing me how little protein I have been getting. (250g most days, barely goal).

It also keeps me on task when I see I'm 100g shy of goal, and need to pack the protein in...

Progress pics/wt in the am.


on task with the program, slight detour and I attempted a max on (narrow grip)bench... Nailed 365, bombed on 405. Damn. If I could learn to use some leg drive, it'd be easy...

Squats are progressing insofar as technique. Even today, I dropped the bar lower on my back, getting away from my usual high-ER bar. Made the lifts much easier. Went belt less today, no problem with 6 sets of 3 @ 345. The weight felt really good. I resisted pushing the wt up for a max... The squats don't seem to be difficult for anything other than my core-stabilizers. Prime movers aren't overly taxed. If I build up tightness in my setup, I think it can progress my lift tons.

Deadlift: love/hate. I feel weak as shit at deadlifts. I need to work on this.

01 June 2013

Skwats and sustenance.


On target, following the program as laid out. I've always had a problem with sub max training. I never feel like I'm progressing enough. I always have this wild hair up my ass to try to test my max. I have a very hard time keeping the "train, don't test" mentality. My progress has always blown because of this. The accountability of having a coach run my programming I think is what I needed all along.

Squats are progressing insofar as my technique and glute contraction patterning. The weights I'm using aren't overly brutal, and move just fine. Once I grease the groove for a while, I'm sure large gains will occur.

Here's a video of today's squats. First at 325, then the last (of 8 sets of triples)@345. Bar path is not straight, and on the ascent things drift a little forward, as you can see me rock to my toes. Slowing down or using heavier weights might help stop this...


Weight stable at 263-264. Work made it damn near impossible to do the rx'd cardio on top of lifting. This upcoming month will be better.

Tracking every single macro this week for the boss. Trying to nail down my problem.

Grilled 3 lbs of chicken and 5 lbs lean grass fed top sirloin, some peppers and other greens.

"Take the slow road – don’t be the guy “bulking” and “cutting” and “dieting.” All of these things fail. It’s about a lifestyle." -Wendler


ICU complete. Studying casually for medical boards. No sense of urgency yet...

26 May 2013

Insert clever title


16hr fasts are going well. Frantic pace in my eyes, slamming food and protein shakes at a pace of 60-80g protein q 2hrs.

Wt was down to 263 yesterday, so the bloat, or whatever the fuck has gone away.

Cappuccino rush Dynamatize is pretty delicious protein powder. The carb count is a touch high, so it's usefulness is limited, but solid taste. My go to low carb powder is matrix 5 orange cream.... Dirt cheap, good macro profile, and tastes awesome (little foamy)...


Repeated block 2 week1 considering last weeks missed workout.

squats up to 315 for some triples
Cg bench up to 265 for triples

Deadlifts up to425 for triples.
Cg bench up to 295 for some singles

More cgbp up to 265
Squats to 365 with belt for doubles.

Rack pulls to 465 for doubles

Things I've realized:
My glute activation on squats and deadlifts is lacking severely. Most notably on rack pulls, I reflected and noticed it felt like I was using all back...

My right elbow is flaring early on bench. I need to concentrate on keeping them tucked during the press.

Sloppy Squat Setups Sink Ships.

I need to not be afraid of grinding out squat/deadlift reps. I need to learn to struggle/recruit more muscle...


Nothing new: ICU... People die...

20 May 2013

Re-evaluation: Full steam ahead


Ran into a major road-block: Working 80hr week is not conducive to super-clean perfectly timed eating habits, unfortunately. Admittedly, I did slip in a few marginal ways (2 pieces of pizza, occasional diet soda). With that said, I can guarantee that my macro count was extremely low, with my protein being right around 200g most days. It seriously can be difficult to break away from critically ill patients to even down a quick protein shake. Combine that with the fact that cooking did not occur, and I relied on canned chicken/tuna and veggies with all of their sodium-laden goodness...
That said?  My 6 week check had me weighing in at 272. +10lbs in one week. Un-freaking believable to me. I can't attribute ALL of this to sodium; on the other hand, I can attribute it to excessive caloric intake either. Perhaps my experimentation with rice instead of oats along with the absolute inability for me to consistently maintain my macro-timing fucked shit up.

That said: We have made a huge change to my layout to better fit my inability properly maintain macro intake  timing.

New plan: 16hr fasts, 1.1g protein/lb/day, Carb intake post workout. Fishoil, Evening primrose oil, and potentially some DAA or other natty test booster.   Still considering some Clomid for clinical test boostage.


Stomach flu slashed 2 days out of my routine last week. Restarting at week one tonight:  Highlights from lifting though:

Bench: 305 easy CGBP after the previous day of benching. Got a relatively easy 335 CGBP a couple days after that. With a Lift-off (and a bit of work on my leg-drive), I could pretty easily see 365+.

Deadlift: 485 pin deadlift from ~ mid shin. I need quite a bit of technique and mobility work. I apparently am collapsing my upper-back, losing drive... "Pull back, not up."

Squats: Still feel weak, and I feel like I hit a road-block with mobility right around parallel. Weights move fine, and I find myself recruiting more quad with my squats since the last block hammered the b'jesus out of my anterior squat pattern.


It's ICU, what can I say?  Everyone dies... People should accept that.

Spending untold hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars to futilely keep a 90+year old alive is aggravating. I understand it's hard for the family, but what is the point to fight so hard when there is absolutely no way this patient will survive the next 2 days.


14 May 2013

"Let nature take it's course."


The irony of uttering the statement, "Let nature take its course." was not lost on me as I stared down at a patient whom hours prior, had a massive heart attack. The patient was brain-dead, no cranial nerve reflexes, nothing. We were keeping a pulse on a corpse, awaiting a family member before we allowed "nature to take its course."

The absurdity of modern medicine...

Block2 week 1 day 1

Close grip bench Up to 245 5x3
Squats up to 325 5x3 (belted on the 325 sets)
More CG bench  205 5x4
Anderson squats 5x5@225
Band flys 5x10
Planned GM's were omitted considering I had to alter schedule and will be deadlifting tomorrow...

Steady as she goes. Oats/potatoes/rice etc all makes me feel bloated.

Sam's club EAS bulk protein powder, while $35 for 5lbs is cheap. Its fucktardedly nasty. I have some Mocha Dymatize and my standard Syntrax 5.0 Orange cream arriving on Monday...I suffer until then...

Broke down and had 2 pieces of pizza at Old chicago with the wife for mother's day.

11 May 2013

Deload complete- new horizons


Deload day 3

Squats 225 5x12
Bench 185 5x12
Squats 275 8x3  last 2 sets were singles...
KB swings... 200 reps...

Back to a real human's schedule... no more night-shift bullshit for a while.

medicine can bite my ass right now.

That is all.


09 May 2013

Blunted, grumpy, and DOMS


I still hate nights. Constant calls about lab values, how patients want pain meds, how people keep bleeding out of their various orifices.

2-4hrs of sleep/day is killing me. 2 nights left... It's so much easier when you're blocked for a full month of nights, no flip-flopping.

Deload day 2

Deadlifts 5x5 @ 315
Ohp 5x5@ 135
Deficit deads 5x10@ 275( easier than the non-deficits... By a significant amount... The French is going on?)
Kb swings like a champ

This lack of sleep, shitty hormonal imbalances from sleep issues and inconsistent diet caused me to have MAJOR consequences from Tuesdays workout. DOMS like a mo-fo. Still having trouble sitting... Hah

Peri workout carbs only this week, as I have no consistent sleep/wake times. Carbs are rice based this week to see what it does to the bloat I feel on carb days with oats.

Wt this am was 262 still, but I can't say that means much as I was up all night. And not a true comparison.

06 May 2013

Chugging right along.

Learned to use a videonystagmogram, discussed the upcoming research, and... Future career options. ICU nights start tonight. We'll see how pissy I get... I don't understand how people(like my wife) work nights by choice...

No sleep for the next 5 days... Diet will be a challenge:  Unsure how to space meals considering I'll get only a few hours sleep/day...

Lifting: Finished block one
week4 lower2 hypertrophy/tempo

Deficit deads 8x3 @365 5 sec eccentric
Band hamstrings

Front squats5x6 185 maintaining the rack position is the challenge.
Rom. Deadlifts 5x6 225 5 sec eccentric.

Step ups
One leg bridge

Prowler pushes/pulls

Upper day 2

OHP (barbell) 1 and a quarter reps  8x8 @ 105    Major shoulder burn...
Omnigrip pullups 8 sets of doom. No bands, used straps towards the end because of my grip being fried. Always an accomplishment when a 250+lber can knock out sets of 10+ deadhang pullups.

OHP lockouts 5x6-8 did around 135.  Still burning from the previous.
Band pulldowns

Cobra presses and band pull aparts...

Deload this week:  Starting to thread squats and bench back into the fold. Sets of 5ish mostly.


Chugging along, had a diet mt dew yesterday... I miss diet soda...

Prepping food for the next week today and tomorrow...
5 lbs turkey burger, 13 lbs chicken breast/thighs... Thighs grilled, breasts grilled tomorrow after work... mmm meat.

Gotta refill the propane tank...

I might or might not run a prohormone cycle (Epistane)

02 May 2013

1 month update


Week 4 upper 1  Hypertrophy/tempo

OHP 145 8x5
Pullups 8x5 6 sec eccentric No bands used. Boom.

Wide Bench 5x5 4 sec eccent @ 225
Snatch Rows 5x5 5 sec contract @145

Band resist pushups
Supinated pull aparts

Anxiously awaiting my next block...

Weight: 262 (Post shower)
Here is a one month progress shot. The back is much more telling... Much wider up top, and smaller muffin top. Impressive to me considering I've only lost ~2lbs this last month. 

Coach has just added 3x30min steady state cardio to my life... This will not be fun to try to fit in, especially this upcoming month.

30 April 2013

Goodbye Cows.


Regarding my concussion research: Still am in the process of arranging and drafting research proposals, learning the Video nystagmogram, and all the other aspects of what we're going to be doing.  This is going to be a long project. Apparently we are also being approached by a mouthguard manufacturer that has a special accelerometer in it...

Back working in the ICU on nights starting Monday... Joy.

Last high carb day was dropped.   All training days are medium carb now:  easily manageable. Narrowed it down to beef being one of my problems.  I eat too much beef! (I buy sides of grass fed beef...)  I think the calories are sabotaging my progress. I'll be limiting beef intake, increasing egg white intake, as well as turkey burger, chicken breast and fish...   

Damn. I love beef.

Week4 upper 1  Tempo/hypertrophy
All tempo'd as usual. Super set pairs.

Video of a 225 FS and the last set of Snatch DL's

Front squats (to 12"box) 8x3  @ 225lbs  Felt strong, actually, My problem is still staying upright. the lowerbody strength is there, but the upperbody is still a bit lacking in ability to stay upright.
Band hamstrings 8x3

Did a few front squat singles up to 275.

Snatch DL's 5x5 (did 10 on the last set)   315lbs  This last set of 10 was fucking brutal...  Had to do it.
GM's 5x10

Band abduct walks
Zerk holds

Glute bridge
Split squats   Had to cut these early. Hip was tweaking.

"You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, take less shit. Until one day, you're up in the rareified atmosphere, and you've forgotten what shit even looks like.

Welcome to the Layer Cake, son."

--Layer Cake

26 April 2013

At a snails pace.

Week3lower2 tempo/hypertrophy.

Deficit deadlifts, 2 plates +oly shoes. 7x3 @315 5 sec eccentric
Band hamstring curls

Romanian deads
and front squats - hip started tweaking.

Glute bridges and
Kb swings (couldn't do step ups because of the hip)

Power Snatch technique work up

Prowler pushes and drags.

Legs were incredibly burned.


Diet is progressing slowly. Understandable, considering we are trying to minimize muscle loss during the fat cut.

Broke diet a bit this weekend, had 2 gin/tonics and had 2pieces of pizza. (Birthday parties)

Friday Weight 261.4

25 April 2013

Pep pills, dub step, and bloat


So... Clomiphene citrate... In hypoG males...





Wt 263 I'm still feeling really bloaty even after 2 days of low carb. Progress pics and reevaluation needed...

Week3 upper1 tempo/hypertrophy
Super set  pairs

Ohp 6x6-8 125-145lbs tempo
Pull-ups 6x8 6 sec eccentric.  Only needed bands for the last 2 reps of the last set.

Wide bench 5x10-12 with tempo/pauses 155-185lbs
Underhand bar row 5x8-10 w/ 5 sec contract @135

Band resist push-ups 2 sets to failure (8 and 6 reps...)
Band pull aparts 2x fail 20's

Some band press downs

23 April 2013

Hips don't lie

Following the diet as rx'd as best I can considering work making it a bitch to do more than protein shakes for more than half my meals.
Though, yesterday, during a high carb day. I stacked my post workout and another meal and ate a big ole bowl of fried rice. I think I was 20-30g over my fat macro goal for the day. At least I didn't eat a whole Fucking pizza.
Low carb today. Probably going to make steak fajitas (yay for mission low carb tortillas) and broccoli.

Week 2 upper 2 tempo/hypertrophy
Super set pairs

1.25rep seated ohp. 6x6 @115 these fried my shoulders bad.
Omni grip chins 6sets of 3 failures with 20sec inbetween. Was failing around 7,4,2 respectively. Added band assist towards the end sets

Seated Ohp lockouts @135
Band pulldowns

Cobra presses (5lbs)
Band pull apart

Week 3 lower 1 hypertrophy/tempo
Super set pairs

Front squat hip width, 4 sec down, 2 sec pause in the hole  6x6-8 @155.
Band hamstring curls 6x8

Snatch deadlift 255 5x6. 4sec eccentric
Narrow good morning 5x10 @135

Split squat
Glute bridge

Band walks
Zerk holds with (fat grips cuz I'm a puss still.)

Did some front squat singles up to 255. I have the strength for singles, but I get fatigued and lose form after a few reps... especially with this tempo abuse. Overall Front squats are feeling much more comfortable... aside from the hip issue, which still persists. Now I developed what seems to be trochanteric bursitis on my left hip... painful to walk today...

Update later: beginning some research on concussions, diagnosis, and prognosis based on vestibular tests... Hey, I have a stable of division 1 football players that get concussed at my disposal...

19 April 2013

Catastrophes and how to save a life.


Catastrophic event occurred yesterday. One of my patients, who underwent a a heart cath had one of the more severe complications associated with the procedure: a retro-peritoneal bleed. We were called to bedside for a rapidly dropping blood pressure. After some well placed phone calls and bullying, we rushed this patient to the CT scanner ( which showed a massice bleed) pressures still dropping, even after 3 liters of fluid and maxed Levophed. Rushing them up to the ICU, we eventually got blood running, 4 units in 30 minutes.

Continuing the blood, I called for massive transfusion protocol, did my best to keep the patient awake. The OR and heart surgeon were notified. We lost pulse twice awaiting the OR,  Epi brought recovery, thankfully. I held off calling a code during this, as the only way to save the patient was getting them to the OR. On the way down, we lost pulse again, and CPR was started... And continued throughout the procedure repairing their femoral/iliac artery. Eventually we regained a pulse... During this, I believe they received a total of 16 units of blood.

Saved a life. But the prognosis is still... Unclear.

Week 2 lower 2: tempo/hypertrophy

Superset pairs

Deficit DEadlifts 6x5 @ 275 slow damn eccentric
Hamstring curls

Romanian deadlifts 5x6
Glute bridges

Back squats 5x8@. 225 slow decent, with long pause in the hole.
Step ups 5x12@25

Prowler pushes
Prowler drags. Both at 225

I was in a heap of burning leg pain at the end... I love/hate that damn prowler...

Medium carb: going strong. (Slipped a bit today: 2 oz Gouda cheese on my post workout sammich)

Didn't weigh in today...

Additionally, I tried hydroxycut hardcore elite or extreme? It was a sample sent with my last order from bb.com...   Crazy strong. I'm well conditioned to caffeine, 600-800mg easily/day. This is on another level. It took a solid 1-2 hrs to fully kick in. It was intense. I was dizzy and seeing stars... I totally ordered a bottle, with plans on half doses... :).

I'm considering running clomid at 25mg every other day, considering the low long term risk and documented natural increase (roughly double) in testosterone in men... Hmmm...

17 April 2013

Mocha, bitter pills, and old hearts.


Wt was 264.4 this am. After a brief discussion, were dropping one high carb day to a med carb day. Still trying to figure out how my body handles carbs...

Medium carb day: had to turn down free potbelly subs at lunch today... Seriously, THAT was willpower...

Optimum nutrition mocha cappuccino arrived... Tastes like neither mocha nor cappuccino.  Tastes more like burnt marshmallow.  It does mix well with water/coffee and isn't repulsive....


Times magazine : Bitter Pill  from March 2013... Read it.

Seriously, if you want to know why we are broke/broken as a healthcare system.

Also got to watch a TAVR procedure today... This is replacing a heart valve through a catheter ( like stenting a clogged vessel... But wedging a valve in there instead....).

Cost of the valve? $35,000...  After deployment, it was leaking... So guess what? Boom.
Another $35,000 valve was deployed on top of the first one. $100,000 on this procedure/ hospital stay alone for a person who is expected to live less than 2 years.

No longevity data on these valves, either. So we don't really know how much time we're buying these folks... Who are already expected to live less than a couple years anyway...

At what point do we say that enough is enough, and we as a society shouldn't pay for things like this? These minor temporizing interventions done in 85+ year old people...

When I reach 80, I'm eating nothing but pizza and ice cream until I die. Fuck it.

Dignity. There are worse things than death.

Lifting week2 upper1 tempo/hypertrophy
Super set pairs

Seated military press 6x6. @. 115 tempo'd
Pull-ups (6 sec eccentric)  6x6 @ bw- only used bands for the last 2 reps of the last two sets...

Wide bench 225 5x6 tempo'd with pauses...
Underhand row 135 5x6  5 sec contract at the top.

Band push-ups 3xfail
Band pull aparts 3xfail(20's)

15 April 2013

Shakes and squats

Medicine:   Parkinson's clinic today... Good day in clinic, all of the patients were well treated and doing well on their meds, so its actually hard to tell they were Parkinson's patients... (Get it, shakes?)

Matrix 5.o orange cream and carnivor protein... With oats... (And more shakes? Ha!)
Lunch.  Grilled chicken breast & salad...
Dinner: chicken chimichangas... Wife tried a healthy baked recipe.  Awesomeness.

Lifting:  week2lower1: tempo/ hypertrophy
Superset pairs:

Front squats 6x8 4 sec eccentric and pause in hole:  145 all sets felt so much more comfortable. Still limited by thoracic fatigue... Not leg strength.
Band hamstring curls tempo'd

Snatch deadlifts 5x8   4 sec concentric @275
Wide good mornings @135 tempo with pause.

Split squats
Glute bridges

Band walks
Zerk holds 5+sec holds at 135... T spine shot by these...

Buddy ran the Boston marathon today: thankfully he finished 30 min before the bomb...  Strong run, Kyle.

 Fucking cowards.

Welcome to my dungeon.

14 April 2013

Babies, man purses, and pressing.

My daughter, who just turned 6 mo, is pretty angry after her shots. She's still not really keen on the idea of lifting weights with me out in the garage. I'm finding myself rushing the workout because she is screaming... Or like today, I'm going to have to break it into 2 sessions, maybe add some bonus Olympic technique work in.

Additionally: I'm looking for a man purse. I love the look of saddleback leathers briefcases, but at $400+... It ain't happening on a resident's salary. ;) I need something for the hospital to carry various neurology tools, blender bottles of protein, papers, and a tablet...

Searching around, copper river bags seems comparable in quality(warranty too!), very stylish, and less than half the cost of saddleback... Maybe I'll pick up one of the 10" camera bags and give it a whirl...


Week1upper2 tempo/hypertrophy block
Super set pairs

Multigrip chins 4xfail
OHP 1.25 reps. 4x6-8 (2sec pause at the face, drop to shoulders then full press). Only made it to a measly 115 lbs due to being rushed/no rest as above... Not to mention the quarter rep pause was brutal.

Band pull downs 4x12 with pause
Seated ohp lockouts 4x8 @145

Cobra presses
Band pullaparts.

Diet: bw: 262.5
med carb day
shakes and oats abound!

12 April 2013

Seizures and squat pain

Spent all day at lectures about seizures, rather informative... Still realize I have quite a bit to learn about these...

Week1 lower 2 continuing with tempo hell.

Deficit deadlifts 2 plates + oly shoes. 275 5x8. Supered with
Hamstring curls: elitefts light band 5x8

Front squats: had to cut these early due to a strange hip pain, definitely not a nice feeling. I'm very weak at front squats, largely due to me not doing them often. I'm already feeling more comfortable under the bar with these.
155 2x7 supered with
Rom. Deadlifts 225 5x7 multiple second concentric/eccentric.

Sled drags supered with
Step ups with 25lb plates

Heavy prowler sprints supered with
Glute bridges

Decent workout: quads were screaming by the end.

Diet: bw: 262.4
high carb day: post workout meal was a dinner out with the wife: Mediterranean: rice and chicken kebobs..

11 April 2013

Here chubby chubby chubby.

Starting photos... wt 261.8
I'm embarrassed (to say the least) at my current level of physical fatness. How much you can lift doesn't mean shit if you're a fat fuck.
Apparently I can't be trusted with my own body... Being a previous collegiate and professional athlete/fighter, I've sustained some significant injuries: bilateral ACL, MCL, and meniscus all status post hamstring graft repair... So... I'm missing part of my most vital pulling muscles...

Medium carb day.
2 protein shakes with oats
Additional 60g carbs post workout
Minimal carbs otherwise.
Approximately 50g protein/meal 300g goal daily... regardless of carbs level of the day...
(upper body 1 today...considering the daughter crushed my workout yesterday...)

Everything has crazy tempos... Which pushes the difficulty level through the roof.

Seated mil press max 115. 5x7 supered with
pull-ups (6 sec eccentric-had to have band assist after the first 2 sets).

Bench 205 5x7 supered with
Underhand rows max 115. 5x7. 5 second contract at the top.

Band resist push-ups. 7,7,6 supered with
Supine grip band pullaparts 3xfailure (15ish reps) elite monster mini bands on both of these

Steady state cardio (not fasted):30 min dedicated walking around the hospital/stairs... my current role on this hospital rotation is redundant, so breaking away for this walk was possible...

10 April 2013

New diet, New goals

Since roughly Christmas, ice been running carb nite. Great diet from DHKiefer. Pretty much a cyclic ketogenic diet (30g of carbs/day with one night of a re feed). I dropped from 285lbs to about 255. Good results as far as weight/fat loss is concerned, unfortunately there was a marked loss of strength and work capacity.

Frustrated with my strength level, I decided to work with Brandon Crabill, a fast rising star in the power lifting community. I've seen him drop 50lbs of fat, while nearly doubling his big lifts over the last year or so (700+/600+/700+ @ 200)

He's running my diet and lifting/conditioning... 

Diet seems based on carb cycling, with 2 high carb days, 2 medium carb days (these 4 carb days occur on training days) and 3 low carb days.

Just trying to settle into the diet, which is rather difficult, as I'm used to fasting must of the day. Thus current scheme has me eating very often, which ends up with me drinking various zip lock bags full of oats and protein powder that I procure from my white coat all day while rounding...

I need to plan my meals better, as I can see myself getting tired of this quickly if I'm not careful.

Lifting is currently based on tempo lifts done in super sets of seeming antagonist muscle groups. I'm trying to keep rest periods low,