20 June 2013



In the ER this month getting abused. Half of my shifts make me want to murder people. The drug-seeking, the lying, the environment, etc. It's draining and eats my soul. The more I work down here... the more jaded and disinterested in patients I am becoming...  4 shifts left. The ER crud got to me, and I'm pretty sure I got a wonderful atypical pneumonia- Hello Z-pak. On top of that, my tweaked neck has been pretty back this last two weeks, made so much worse from the deep bone shaking coughing I've been doing. Currently, I'm unable to turn my head to the left.


It has been in the pits. As above, I've been dealing with being sick for the last week and a half; which has worsened considerably over the last few days. My inability to breathe has caused me to minimize my accessory work...


Squats on the 17th went well. My top set(s) of singles were slated at 395. The last one I pushed to 6 reps. After some reviewing, I do think I was a little high on most of the reps.  Strength is there, I just need to get deeper and be less of a bitch about heavy weight. The mental game is the hardest thing when I'm lifting.

This is the last week of this current block. I'm excited to see what's next up for me from my coach/guide/mentor/guru. I'm 90% sure I'm going to try to do a Meet by the end of the  year if I can get Brandon to keep improving me. It might be the push I need to perform better in the gym. 


No cheating at all this week, but this illness has made me rather nauseated, and getting enough protein in is EXTREMELY difficult. 

Hopefully I'm not dropping too much hard-earned muscle.


09 June 2013

No avoiding it...

No avoiding it... Fatty needs cardio.
Calories/macros tracked this last week. 2200-2500 kcal. 250-300g protein.
Weight stable from April 2013 until June9th 2013 at 263.

Progress is slow, but steady. Fat is coming off, strength is coming up, muscle is building.
I'll be continuing as planned as far as weights and diet goes, but I'll be doing what I've been trying to avoid since starting with Brandon: Cardio. It's hard enough to get my 4 workouts in between work and the baby... trying to tack on an additional 30minutes daily is going to be a strain. My upcoming block, Coach is going to try to trim back some accessory work from one day to make some cardio time.

I'm thinking I'd like to find a decent recomb bike on the cheap... or just be less of a lazy bastard and strap the baby into the jogging stroller...

06 June 2013



Logging everything for the boss-man. Keeps me honest, but it is enlightening, showing me how little protein I have been getting. (250g most days, barely goal).

It also keeps me on task when I see I'm 100g shy of goal, and need to pack the protein in...

Progress pics/wt in the am.


on task with the program, slight detour and I attempted a max on (narrow grip)bench... Nailed 365, bombed on 405. Damn. If I could learn to use some leg drive, it'd be easy...

Squats are progressing insofar as technique. Even today, I dropped the bar lower on my back, getting away from my usual high-ER bar. Made the lifts much easier. Went belt less today, no problem with 6 sets of 3 @ 345. The weight felt really good. I resisted pushing the wt up for a max... The squats don't seem to be difficult for anything other than my core-stabilizers. Prime movers aren't overly taxed. If I build up tightness in my setup, I think it can progress my lift tons.

Deadlift: love/hate. I feel weak as shit at deadlifts. I need to work on this.

01 June 2013

Skwats and sustenance.


On target, following the program as laid out. I've always had a problem with sub max training. I never feel like I'm progressing enough. I always have this wild hair up my ass to try to test my max. I have a very hard time keeping the "train, don't test" mentality. My progress has always blown because of this. The accountability of having a coach run my programming I think is what I needed all along.

Squats are progressing insofar as my technique and glute contraction patterning. The weights I'm using aren't overly brutal, and move just fine. Once I grease the groove for a while, I'm sure large gains will occur.

Here's a video of today's squats. First at 325, then the last (of 8 sets of triples)@345. Bar path is not straight, and on the ascent things drift a little forward, as you can see me rock to my toes. Slowing down or using heavier weights might help stop this...


Weight stable at 263-264. Work made it damn near impossible to do the rx'd cardio on top of lifting. This upcoming month will be better.

Tracking every single macro this week for the boss. Trying to nail down my problem.

Grilled 3 lbs of chicken and 5 lbs lean grass fed top sirloin, some peppers and other greens.

"Take the slow road – don’t be the guy “bulking” and “cutting” and “dieting.” All of these things fail. It’s about a lifestyle." -Wendler


ICU complete. Studying casually for medical boards. No sense of urgency yet...