In the ER this month getting abused. Half of my shifts make me want to murder people. The drug-seeking, the lying, the environment, etc. It's draining and eats my soul. The more I work down here... the more jaded and disinterested in patients I am becoming... 4 shifts left. The ER crud got to me, and I'm pretty sure I got a wonderful atypical pneumonia- Hello Z-pak. On top of that, my tweaked neck has been pretty back this last two weeks, made so much worse from the deep bone shaking coughing I've been doing. Currently, I'm unable to turn my head to the left.
It has been in the pits. As above, I've been dealing with being sick for the last week and a half; which has worsened considerably over the last few days. My inability to breathe has caused me to minimize my accessory work...
Squats on the 17th went well. My top set(s) of singles were slated at 395. The last one I pushed to 6 reps. After some reviewing, I do think I was a little high on most of the reps. Strength is there, I just need to get deeper and be less of a bitch about heavy weight. The mental game is the hardest thing when I'm lifting.
This is the last week of this current block. I'm excited to see what's next up for me from my coach/guide/mentor/guru. I'm 90% sure I'm going to try to do a Meet by the end of the year if I can get Brandon to keep improving me. It might be the push I need to perform better in the gym.
No cheating at all this week, but this illness has made me rather nauseated, and getting enough protein in is EXTREMELY difficult.
Hopefully I'm not dropping too much hard-earned muscle.