10 April 2014

3rd person input- One year progress

So I have rounded out a solid year with Brandon Crabill. Though I was a less than... perfect client (I love pizza and Mexican food way too much...), I still made decent progress. I'm far from where I want to be, but with that said.  Here's the results:

Same bodyweight - The fact that I'm stronger than when I started, less fat, better health overall... I'd say I'm moving in the right direction.

Natural results; No anabolics. Current supplements are creatine, protein powder, and a few multivitamins, with a few other amino acid supplements. Lab work has improved minimally, dropping my LDL from the 150's to the 140's. LDL from 28 to 36. Testosterone level has improved from the 270's (hypogonadal much?) to the 400's...

I'm not the most diligent with updates to this blog, but as is apparent, there have been a few phases I've gone through with Coach Crabs... Strength, mass, fat loss, etc.

My current wave is pushing fat loss hard. Increased conditioning, increased work volume, caloric restrictions (2500kcal with 250g protein, <100g carbs).

Lifting is in a transition... Just came off of a high rep tempo based block... Transitioning into something new. 10/20/life from Brian Carroll is one possibility... As is a more bodybuilder style template - DC training or the like.

I have absolutely no idea how much progress I would have made without Coach Crabs, but considering my long track record of working hard and spinning my wheels? I'd say minimal improvement would have been seen.


Work? Well... It's work.
Neurology is still fascinating, and I love the subject. I'm even more excited about the future of sports neurology. I'm leaning more and more towards this as a profession as I've mentioned a few times. I likely will need an additional year as a fellow to increase my marketability and knowledge about the specifics of treating athletes as a patient population with their unique problems and requirements.

I took my residency in training exam (RITE) which told me I'm right where I should be as far as knowledge base... That honestly isn't a surprise, but good to have it affirmed... I just need to continue to read I guess...

Finishing up a week off right now which is always welcome... Spending all day watching Disney movies with my daughter. I swear Ives even Tangled, Brave, and Frozen at least 5 times each now...